Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

1912 Sidewinder Drive, Suite 200, inside the Bellemarc building.

What services do you provide?

All body and face waxing, lash lifts and tints, brow laminations and tinting.

Do you take walk-ins?

Currently, no. All services must be booked through our website.

Can I be seen if Iā€™m under 18?

Yes, but your parent or guardian must sign a consent form before you get any services done. Feel free to text us at 435-731-9084 to get the link for that consent form.

How long does my hair have to be to get waxed?

Hair should be 1/4ā€ (the length of a grain of rice). If hair is longer than 3 inches, please trim it before coming in.

What can I do to make it less painful?

Exfoliate regularly, and make sure to do so the day before you come in for your wax. Make sure you're hydrated and feel free to take some ibuprofen before your appointment. We also sell a numbing cream that you can purchase and apply before your appointment!

What should I do after my wax?

Wear loose cotton clothing, remove sweaty clothes when you're done working out, don't sleep in tight clothes or underwear. If you're prone to ingrowns or simply want to prevent them, please talk to us during your appointment about what at-home products are right for you.

Can I get waxed on my period?

Of course! Just make sure you have a tampon in when you come in for your appointment. We also provide wipes that you can use right before your service if you're feeling uncomfortable.

What should I avoid after my wax?

Avoid sex, working out, hot tubs, pools, tight clothing and exfoliating for 24 hours after your wax.